About Me

MD, United States
Bienvenidos and welcome to my blog! :) Join me as I journey through dating, dissertation, and househunting, along with whatever else may come my way. As every story has a villain, allow me to also introduce to you Sapphire (my mother's cat and arch-nemesis) and speed-cameras. I hope you enjoy.

Monday, November 28, 2011

It starts.....signing up for match.com

If you've ever online dated, you've been there.  "Join free!" they say.   You get excited because you are a graduate student with no money and no time between sleeping and watching reality tv show reruns to actually go out and meet people in real life (or happy hour, an interesting term I've heard friends with real jobs bandy about).  So you log on, agonizing for a minute about what your screenname should be, only to find out someone has it already (I guess there are only so many screen names that toe that fine line between quircky and cooky, original and off the wall).  Anywho.  You finally find a name that hasnt been chosen and you're in, only to find that you can't just post a picture and run, 400 words are required before you can post your picture.   And dont forget the quiz!  "I have been depressed.  Never, Sometimes, All the time."  This would probably be an easy question for some- Never, right?  Even if you do, you know mental illness might be a deal breaker for some, so you lie.  But then, as a psychology major, you can never choose the absolutes, because there was that one time during quals.....  

I digress.  So after you've taken the quiz, you dont just get to post your picture and hope for the best,  you have to say 400 words your interests, what you want in a man, what you want your first date to be like, etc.  I was just in a wedding with full on makeup and hair, so I picking the picture was no problem.  At least, it shouldn't have been.  But I can't get rid of my psych brain.  "Maybe people will think I dont really look that way in real life, but only with professional help!" I agonize.

So I am back to square one. 

Thats when the friends come in, and psych rears its ugly head again (in case you havent figured it out, psych is psychology- the part of my brain that analyses the heck out of things most people dont even think about).  So I send out some surveys.

Some people got open ended questions: if you had to describe me what would you say?   Finish this sentence.  I am.....

Some people got head shots.   What do you think of this pic?

Some people got to see the final cut of the profile.  "Hi! I am awesome and the world's greatest"(jk, thats just a shout out- you know who you are!)

Right now you are probably saying, get to the profile of the sexy 31 year old who is 6'2 and has an awesome career, loves children and the Lord, and travels to Argentina to ride horses during the summer!

If you are frustrated with how long its taking to get to the good part, you feel my pain.

I finally finish my profile, plug in my wish list for my dream guy (see above), find his profile and......

"If you would like to communicate with this match, please subscribe for only 19.95 a month."

2 hours of my life I can't get back, to find out that the free membership was nothing but a way to get me pay money I dont have and am not really sure I should have to pay to get a date.

Forget that!  I say, and go on with my life, back to my truly free site with guys who take awesome pictures in front of their mirror with their cell phones and write me deep emails like, "hey".  Back to the realization that I spend hours agonizing over what to say and finding out that the men just look at the picture anyway, after writing in my profile "dont talk to me unless you have more to say than "Hey", and getting even more emails with that awesome conversation starter.

Ok.  So I'm almost 30.  And the mirror picks arent doing it for me, so  I'm ready to take the plunge.  My dissertation is almost done, I have a sponsor who wants grand nieces, and I really want to say hello to the guy who rides horses in Argentina.

Not to mention that guys have been winking at me and sending me emails since I posted my profile.  And "someone is interested in ME!"  And its killing me, because I can't see who!!!!  :(

Match.com, you got me.   Here is my money for 6 months (after I found a 20% off coupon of course), because you damn skippy I want the match guarantee.  And after the hook up/sponsorship, I owe her some babies!

And so it begins...

1 comment:

  1. "Right now you are probably saying, get to the profile of the sexy 31 year old who is 6'2 and has an awesome career, loves children and the Lord, and travels to Argentina to ride horses during the summer!"

    HEY! Back up off my man, girl. ;)

    More seriously, outstanding first blog....keep it up!
