About Me

MD, United States
Bienvenidos and welcome to my blog! :) Join me as I journey through dating, dissertation, and househunting, along with whatever else may come my way. As every story has a villain, allow me to also introduce to you Sapphire (my mother's cat and arch-nemesis) and speed-cameras. I hope you enjoy.

Monday, January 2, 2012

They Got Me!

Remember those guys who were winking, and sending emails?  Don't forget the ones who were "interested" in me.  

All that excitement was for a 45 year old, a 58 year old, and a 42 year old.  The 58 year old was really serious, because he was interested, he winked, and he sent several emails. 
Soooo, they got me.  There are no hot guys waiting to talk to me.  However, I seem to be very attractive to the over 40 set.  And it was really sad, because for a moment I was doing the math in my head- is 42 still in my acceptable age range? 

The answer upset me, because it made me realize that yes, 40 is not beyond the realm of possibility.


Nope, not there yet.  36 is still my limit, 37 if you look good and have a really good profile that makes me laugh.  That's not asking too much is it? 

Apparently it is.   Every day I get sent daily matches, where the website chooses guys they think I might like and they say, 'Are you interested in this one? Check yes, no, or maybe.   Its been 2 weeks, I've checked a couple of yeses, a lot of no's, and a few maybes. 
Not one guy is interested back. 

I continue, however, to receive emails from other men on the website.  I report that my reputation with the over 40's still remains strong, as I am daily saying no thanks to them.  I wonder if this is a sign from God that I am supposed to expand my horizons to an older set. 

But wait, I am also interesting to, wait for it, the camera in the mirror guys!   Apparently taking a picture of yourself in the mirror is not restricted to free sites, but sophisticated men who pay for internet dating also have no friends and no lives. 

Did I mention the guys who like to send emails with deep thoughts like, 'hey.' ?

My hope does not falter.   I am in Cairo with my best friend, and she has helped me revamp my profile.  And lo and behold, someone under 40 knows how to write a sentence. 

Happy New Year to me!  2012 is looking up already.

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